Swimming Pool Repairs and Renovations
Expert pool repair and renovation services for your commercial pool
High Sierra Pools is a Class A contractor. Our commercial swimming pool repairs and renovations department and service division are made up of goal-driven experts whose focus is to provide the most effective solution for your facility in terms of cost and quality, thus enhancing the value of your property. As a swimming pool contractor, we are well known as an industry leader in leak detection and repair, pool resurfacing, deck tiles and coping repairs.
Whether we are hired for a big job or a small one, we bring expertise, grit, and safety to any worksite. Our teams can repair or replace all structural, plumbing, decking, electrical, filter and pump equipment. We also offer swimming pool repairs such as pool resurfacing\white-coating, tile repair, coping stone replacement and fixes to or installation of pool accessories such as ladders and guard stands. HSP also offers bathhouse and equipment room renovations. If you are looking to make updates or commercial pool repairs to your facility, contact us for a quote. We will send one of our experienced service managers to your facility to assess your needs.
Pool Leak Detection and Pool Lines Replacement
A swimming pool leak can occur anywhere, at any time. Some of the reasons include facility and equipment age, improper winterization, structural damage, or even mechanical issues. An ignored pool leak will worsen if left unchecked, and over time it will become an expensive problem to have due to water loss, chemical loss, or worse. In some cases, a leak can cause damage to your pool shell, coping, and tile—or even the pool deck. Whether the issue is a drip in the pump room, a broken pool line buried beneath concrete, or anything in between, the skilled technicians at High Sierra Pools will assist you using sophisticated equipment, and can locate and repair even the most stubborn and hard-to-find pool leaks. Contact us for a leak survey or line replacement quote today!
Over time, when leak issues become too severe, or in situations where original pool plumbing lines have been resolved in cast iron or copper piping, extensive corrosion can damage piping in multiple locations to the point where leak tracking is simply cost prohibitive. In these instances, pool line replacement with new PVC lines is more viable.
High Sierra Pools can evaluate, design new piping layout, calculate hydraulics, and perform line replacement for your swimming pool. We work closely with county officials to ensure that all construction processes satisfy applicable codes and standards.
Warning. Always perform pool structure-related repairs with qualified, experienced pool professionals who can provide complete solutions—not just “band-aid” work—in order to prevent more costly problems down the road.
Surface Coating Removal (Strip Down) And Re-coating (Plastering)
Pool surface coating ensures a smooth-to-touch surface and adds a dense layer on top of the pool shell. This helps minimize water penetration.
When existing top surface has degraded and becomes rough to touch, a new pool coating layer is installed. For time and cost savings, the industry has adopted a method of pool resurfacing through which the old layer remains and a new surface is installed on top. A bonding agent is used to ensure a proper bond between the two layers of coating.
Over time, however, the number of layers that accumulates becomes too great and adds to “bulkiness,” or becomes clearly visible and unpleasant in appearances, especially around tiles and pool elements (e.g., underwater light fixtures or fittings). Most importantly, the new layer is only as strong as the very old layers underneath. Considering that there may be five layers built up on the pool, the very original layers can be 25 years old. Moreover, water can still penetrate all pool layers and degrade bonding agents underneath, which makes it even more vulnerable.
High Sierra Pools can help evaluate and remove all excess pool plaster material from the pool shell through a strip down process. After a strip down process the pool shell can be evaluated for structural damages. Once proper preparation takes place, a new top surface coating is installed. Pool surface coating can vary in strength, color, finish, and overall appearance.
High Sierra Pools can help install virtually any surface coating, from the most basic white plaster material (i.e., marcite), to more premium quartz or pebble coatings (e.g., Pebble-Tec, River Rok, and others). Pool surface coatings should last on average between four and six years for basic white plaster, or eight to ten years for pebble-type finishes due to fact that the inclusion of pebbles and premium materials makes it more durable and stronger. The premium options are up to seven times stronger than a basic pool white plaster surfaces, and are therefore more preferred.
Warning. Always perform pool structure-related repairs with qualified, experienced pool professionals who can provide complete solutions—not just “patch up” work—in order to avoid more costly problems down the road.
Structural Repairs And Pool Shell Waterproofing (Damp Proofing)
also known as a “shell.” The quality of work with regard to how a pool has been built and initially protected plays a significant factor in longevity. Another important factor for swimming pools is to always remain submerged in chemically balanced water, except when drained for maintenance or repairs.
Over time, however, all cementitious surfaces are prone to damage due to outside conditions (e.g., corrosion from acidic soils and water chemicals, and erosion due to thermal movement from constant temperature changes and other weather conditions). We suspect pool shell issues when a variety of stains appear on pool surfaces followed by surface-coating failures and efflorescence.
High Sierra Pools can help evaluate and provide solutions to preserve and extend the life of the concrete vessel in order to avoid costly complete pool rebuilds. This can include concrete re-conditioning and waterproofing as well as repairing and rebuilding portions of the pool, including wall and floor rebuilds with reinforcement steel and cast-in-place concrete or shotcrete.
The section of the pool that serves as the reinforcing “belt,” which holds the entire pool vessel intact, is most prone to damage from thermal movement due to the fact that the top beam is set above water level. Although this section is built thicker and stronger, with a reinforcement cage to withstand thermal movement, it always remains above the water level; thus, it is exposed to weather conditions, and it degrades quicker than other vessel parts—particularly in the VA, DC, and MD climate. We suspect beam damage when visible cracks occur to both decorative coping and waterline tiles installed directly on the beam.
High Sierra Pools can help evaluate and rebuild this section of the pool by removing degraded concrete while preserving existing reinforcement steel, installing a new steel cage tied to existing reinforcement, and implementing cast-in-place concrete or shotcrete. Along with beam repair, new decorative coping and waterline tiles are typically installed.
Warning. Always perform pool structure-related repairs with qualified and experienced pool professionals who can provide complete solutions—not just “patch up” work—in order to avoid more costly problems down the road.
Decorative Coping Stone, Tile and Caulking
Every commercial pool, apart from gutter-style pools, has coping, tile, and caulk at the top of the pool wall. This masonry serves two primary purposes. One is to provide an attractive “pop” to the facility and appear inviting to patrons. The more important purpose, however, is to provide structure, safety, and ease of maintenance. The coping provides an attractive, non-skid surface and hand grip for swimmers. Likewise, the waterline tile provides and attractive, glazed, or glossy surface that makes the cleaning of dirt and oils from the scum line easier than a concrete or painted surface. Of the three, the most important as far as preserving your overall asset is the caulking.
You should expect anywhere from ten to fifteen years of life out of a coping and tile renovation. Coping and tile lifetimes depends on the condition of the concrete at the top of the pool wall or pool beam, on which the new tile and coping are set, as well as caulking upkeep. Of course, let us not forget the importance of the installer’s skill and professionalism!
The caulk should be continuously inspected and replaced, as needed. You should expect about four to five seasons out of your pool caulk. Although often overlooked, pool caulk is quite possibly the most important aspect to ensuring excellent pool condition, as its purpose is to keep water from seeping under the deck and down the outside of the pool shell, which results in erosion.
If you would like to have your caulking inspected or schedule an evaluation of your pool masonry, please contact a High Sierra Pools representative or send an email to our service department. One of our service mangers will contact you.
Pool Deck Replacement and Deck Surface Coatings
Pool concrete slabs serve a vital role in controlling and directing away all rainwater from the pool structure. Otherwise, water penetration and accumulation underneath the vessel could pose the risk of structural cracks and damage.
Over time, concrete slabs may crack, separate, and sheer away due to the heaving and expanding of the subsurface, posing a trip hazard, unsafe conditions to users, and overall unpleasant appeal.
High Sierra Pools can help evaluate and propose repairs or complete replacements of concrete decks around the swimming pool, as well as design and install appropriate drainage to successfully carry away all rainwater.
Depending on the weather and other conditions, different concrete solutions are used to minimize cracking and control the curing process.
While performing deck repairs around the swimming pool, an equipotential electrical bond must be fully restored to equalize all voltage gradient around the pool. This part of concrete deck repair must be reviewed and approved by county officials in order to ensure that it meets National Electrical Code (NEC Article 680 Bonding) requirements.
High Sierra Pools also offers a myriad of colored and textured coatings that can dress up an aged pool deck (i.e., as long the existing deck is structurally sound) or beatify a brand new deck. If your pool deck currently has a decorative coating, it is important to care for this coating properly. Manufacturers all agree that these coatings should be re-sealed at least every two years. If it has been that long, let us know, as we can provide a proposal to professionally clean and seal your coating for another two years.
Warning. Always perform pool structure-related repairs with qualified and experienced pool professionals who can provide complete solutions and obtain appropriate permits with the County Permitting Office.
Safety Pool Covers
A winterized pool without a safety pool cover can be unsightly and dangerous. Let High Sierra Pools install a custom-fit pool safety cover! These pool covers help protect the pool from organic staining during the winter and extend the overall lifespan of the pool finish. They also provide a clean look, add an extra layer of protection from unwanted visitors, and can potentially lower liability insurance costs. Think of it as a full-time lifeguard during your offseason months! Custom covers can accommodate water features, dive stands, free-form shapes, or raised walls. Pool covers are available in a variety of colors.
High Sierra Pools can help evaluate and measure existing swimming pools for new pool cover installations. Contact High Sierra Pools for a safety pool cover quote today!
Pool Equipment Installation (Code Required Items)
High Sierra Pools can help service, repair, and install a wide range of pool equipment, including, but not limited to: motors and pumps, filters, heaters, PVC plumbing, and all types of pool equipment (e.g., skimmers, main drains, underwater lighting, etc.) to ensure that your pool runs smoothly.
The High Sierra Pools team of certified technicians can troubleshoot and identify any pool equipment issues and deficiencies and propose solutions for repair or replacement. Our clients’ best interest is always in mind. Whether it is a repair of existing equipment or the installation of new equipment, High Sierra Pools maintains a high standard with regard to attention to detail and quality workmanship. We back all manufacturer’s warranties on equipment, and provide warranties on all High Sierra Pools labor. In the case of premature equipment failure, we will bring you up to speed as quickly as possible.
High Sierra Pools follows and enforces all equipment-related standards and codes (e.g., VGBA Virginia Graeme Baker Act of 2008, OSHA or the soon-to-be-enacted DOE Energy Efficiency Standard) to ensure that your pool runs safely and efficiently.
Please feel free to contact us and request a quote for pool equipment evaluation or repair.
Automated Pool Systems
High Sierra Pools does not shy away from advanced pool solutions. Whether it is an advanced disinfection system or complete pool automation, we work with qualified installers and can assist with maintenance and installation. This includes automated chemical administration, advanced disinfection systems (e.g., UV disinfection), ozone and salt chlorine generation, complete pool automation, control and monitoring, and advanced water or energy solutions.
Despite the general opinion that automation is a means of ease and convenience, the fact is that all advanced automated systems require a high level of expertise and qualified professionals who possess extensive knowledge of each system in order to maintain and service the equipment.
High Sierra Pools is happy to provide advanced solutions after careful consideration of application usability and what provides the greatest benefit for clients.
However, all energy solutions, including variable frequency drive pumps, LED lighting, and automated chemical administration (e.g., CAT controllers) are considered to be industry standards and are recommended for every pool.
Pool Enhancements
High Sierra Pools is pleased to introduce our Enhancements Division (i.e., design and build). We are ready to assist with virtually any project, including, but not limited to, wading pools, spa designs, pool extensions, beach entries, spray-and-splash feature installations, spray parks, and others.
High Sierra Pools can provide a variety of designs and offer a range of pool improvement solutions, including physical and visual improvements (e.g., lighting, shade structures, and umbrellas), pool capacity increases, and deck space and usability improvements.
Whether you have an idea for specific pool enhancements, or would like to consult with a High Sierra Pools project manager or designer, we are happy to assist.

2704 Columbia Pike
Arlington, Virginia 22204
Office Hours
Monday – Thursday
9am – 5pm
9am – 4pm
Saturday – Sunday